
  • Studio Membership

    $175 + gst/month

    Work on your own projects at your own pace, in your own time. 40+ hours per week of key access to tools, equipment, materials and resources. Skill focused workshops and weekly contact time with an instructor

    Spaces Limited

    Contact us for details

  • Drop In Membership

    Drop In

    Join us in the studio for drop in (most) Monday evenings from 7-9pm

    $25 per drop in + purchase of clay

    A great alternative to full membership for those with an already busy schedule, Drop In lets you create your own pots under supervised access one night a week. With hands on staff members and access to all tools and equipment, this is great for a very beginner or if you’re just looking to dip your toes in.

    *Must have some previous ceramics experience to access this service. Want to get some? Book a class or private lesson with us today!